

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Where has the time gone?

That is a good question! Life has flown by me and I really can't complain.  I don't really know what we've been doing that has made this last three months so busy.  I guess I could blame it on having a full time job, which makes me tired and then behind on everything.  I really don't know how people do it.  (Sometimes, I feel like I'm drowning.) The facts are that our Maddy girl is just growing up so fast and is getting cuter by the second!  There really isn't one complaint we can have about her.  (Just about her lack of BMs.)  She turned 11 months on Christmas Day.  I will update on our Christmas with our families in the next couple days. Here is a little taste of our Maddy Muffin...

11 months old

P.S. It is really hard to get a good shot of her, because she just wants to crawl away!