

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Abby Jane is ONE!

I can't even begin! This can't be happening! There is no way! 

It's true.

She is ONE...1... a year old!!!! Abigail Jane is ONE!

This tiny, sweet, cute, gorgeous, smiley, little peanut has blessed our lives for an entire year!  She is just a little ball full of joy.  She is always smiling and happy.  She cries when she is out of food, her teeth come in and her sister crawls on top of her.  Other than that she is smiling!

Abby loves to...

eat:  blueberries, bananas, yogurt, sweet potatoes and chicken nuggets

wear:  9 month clothes, a size 2 diaper, a flower on her head... all the time

play:  the stuff in the kitchen cabinet, garbage in the recycle bin, her sister's toys

sleep:  all night (most of the time)

people: momma's girl, gets super excited when daddy walks in the door from work,  she gets a BIG smile when she sees sister first thing in the morning, she also loves people and usually will go to anyone

activity: taking a bath and splashing, brushing her teeth

Abigail's stats
Height: 28.5 in. (27%)
Weight: 16lb. 3.8 oz. (5%)
Head: 17.44 (33%)

My sweet happy tiny ginger baby, I love you!  I'm so happy I get to share this day with you for the rest of my life.  Love, Mommy