

Friday, February 25, 2011

One Month with Maddy

Madelyn is a month old today!  It is hard to believe that she has been here for an entire month now.  We sure have come a long way since that first night we brought her home.  She has grown up a lot herself.  I still think of her as a newborn baby, but she has definitely grown.  She has experienced a lot in just one month. I wish I would have caught a few more pictures then I did.  Here is Maddy's first month in pictures...
2nd day of life with my bow glued in my hair

I met my Pops!

I met my Bevy and my Uncle Jeffy... Godfather!

I had my first car ride home!

I met my Godmother... aka Aunt Mary (we won't call her Great Aunt Mary.)

I love hanging out with my Loli!

Denise loved holding me even with my bilirubin blanket on.

My tanning bed!

My Nana loves to hold me!

My first day to go to Church!

My first play date with Leighlynn!

I love to hang out and listen to my mom's iPod!

My first trip to a restaurant with my mom and Loli...

I'm gonna love sushi!

I'm a month old TODAY!
Maddy has come such a long way since she arrived on January 25th!  She "half-way" sleeps through the night.  I can usually get a good 4 to 5 hours out of her.  (knock on wood!!!!)  She drinks 2 1/2 oz. of milk. She still only feels necessary to poop about once a week.  She looks at her mommy, daddy, and other people she loves.  She lifts her head up and sometimes turns it... I know its a little early for that.  She isn't sleeping in her bed yet, but maybe we'll try that soon.  Maddy loves vibration, so I don't know how the crib is going to go.  She likes to hang out in there sometimes, but not sure about sleeping in there without movements. Her favorite place to sleep is in her swing or on her mommy or daddy.  Maddy has had a lot of firsts this month and I'm sure there are many more to come!  Stay tuned for more pictures from her photo shoot. 
(I'm trying to do better at this blogging thing.)

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