

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Four & More

Maddy is 4 months old!

Its crazy, but true!  Maddy turned four months this past Wednesday, May 25.  We went for her four month check up and the doc said she is progressing right along.  The nurse was very impressed with all of her skills. Here are her 4 month stats:
Height: 24 1/4 inches  52%
Weight: 12lbs. 15oz. 35%
Head: 15.75 24%
After looking at the numbers in really seems like she has a small head, but it really doesn't look that way.  She is average for height and a little small for her weight.  Her hair is still looking red and hasn't all fallen out.  Hopefully she won't go bald. I feel like she is teething, but teeth haven't popped in yet. 

New Tricks

Maddy is able to roll over from her back to her stomach and stomach to back.  She loves to play on the floor on her stomach and sort of scoot.  She sits comfortably in her Bumbo seat.  Last weekend we put her Excer Saucer  together and it is her new favorite thing to do.  There are so many gadgets and things for her to play with.  Another developing skill is her talking.  She is often caught babbling away to her butterfly friend on her car seat or her Wubba Nub giraffe. She carries on full conversations with them. She is officially a belly sleeper.  No more "back to sleep" for Maddy girl.  I was a little nervous at first, but she has really good head control and lifts her neck and head very far off the ground when she is laying on her stomach. Oh... one more thing... she has grabbed her bottle with both hands a few times to hold it.  This skill is still developing.  I know she has many more tricks up her sleeve before she turns 5 months!!!

First Excer Saucer Experience

New Sunglasses in the Bumbo
We are so blessed to have such a beautiful baby girl!  Sometimes I have to make sure I'm not dreaming and just take it all in.  
p.s. I want a personalized blog lay out.  I'm really new at this and just don't have time now to figure it out on my own.  I need a designer, so if you know how let me know. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

So Lucky to be a Mommy!

1st Mother's Day
Today I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day!  The whole day I just kept thinking how lucky I am to be a mom and how blessed I am to have such a precious little baby girl.  Of course I couldn't be a  mom without having a mom, which lead me to thinking about how lucky and blessed I am to have my  mom. 
We had a great day.  We went to church this morning at 10:45 like we do most every Sunday.  Except for today we had mass in the Mary Chapel.  (Our church is upgrading and expanding our main Church.)  Another special thing about going to church today was that we were asked to bring up the offertory. Usually for practicing Catholics, not a big deal, but it was Maddy's first time.  All five of us were able to walk up.  
After mass we went to Mia Bella's in Vintage Park.  We decided to do a big Mother's Day lunch with both sides of our family.  So, we had  a big group.  This way we were able to be with both our moms to celebrate all of us.  Lunch was good, but I was a little sad it was buffet style.  Bottomless mimosas made it better! 
We gave Brandon's mom perfume. And we gave my mom Yellow Box flip flops and an owl Pandora charm.  I made home made cards for both of our moms the best part was Maddy signed the cards with her hand print.  
Brandon and Maddy gave me a very sweet card and a pair of diamond earrings.  
We then spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out at home... Maddy and I had a nap together for the recliner.  Oh how I miss those days!!! 
Loli, Mommy, and Maddy

Dancing on the table with Uncle Ryan

Uncle Jamo visited in the evening

Maddy's cute outfit
I am so happy to be a mommy to Madelyn Paige! Happy Mother's Day to all my family and friends!