

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy 1/2 Birthday to our Maddy Girl

6 months

Our sweet Maddy girl turned 6 months, yesterday!  That's a half of a year, only 6 more months until she is one!  Oh my, how time is flying by!!!  She is growing so much its hard to keep up with her new tricks.  It begins to all run together.  She is now sitting up completely on her own for long periods of time.  She will sit and play with her toys independently for 15 minutes or more.  She likes to be reassured that mommy or daddy are right around the corner or in her line of sight, but talks and giggles to herself and her toys.  Maddy loves to play with her dog Jax.  She laughs as we chase him around holding her.  Jax doesn't want to be her best friend yet, but he is coming around.  Maddy enjoys her fruits and veggies.  Now that she is six months we will start mixing things and adding some mild spices.  She likes mommy and daddy to read to her, but also likes to put the book in her mouth sometimes.  Everything else she can get her hands on also ends up in her mouth... our iPhones, paper, remotes, all her toys, the shopping carts (eewww,) and her feet of course. Here are some highlights from this past month...

Cor and Brynn came to visit!

Madelyn 5 weeks older than Brynlee

My pretty blue eyed girl!

Looking for toys in her basket
Photo shoot for the cute dress

Yesterday, as we had our little 6 month photo shoot we played dress up in some clothes Maddy hasn't had a chance to wear yet.  This outfit (from her Nana) is super cute, but its just too hot to wear it out and about right now.  I was surprised to see that it is a little big, so there is hope it may fit in the coming months. 

Loli came over in the evening to give Maddy some Half Birthday love.  She even brought her a little gift.  Maddy was very surprised and quite excited about the card. 

Today's doctor's visit was like any other pediatrician appointment.  Once we got in the room there was lots of waiting.  Maddy checked out well and had to get her 6 month shots... three of them.  She also got one vaccine orally and she probably liked it a little too much. She was really sad when it was finished and then continued to cry once she got poked.  She didn't scream bloody murder or out of the ordinary cry, I didn't even realize the nurse had already given her all three shots. Here are her stats from today:

Head Circumference: 41.5cm (23%)
Height:                     25.5 in. (42%)
Weight:                    15 lb. 3 oz. (34%)
Yay! I'm 6 months old!

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