It can't be true? Abigail Jane is nine months old!!! The happy, smiley, cuteness that just beams out of her is just amazing. When I look at her I just want to squeeze her and I can't help but smile every time. A majority of the time she is smiling. Her personality is shining through more and more each week as she grows. Even though she is getting older she is still as sweet as can be.
Our little Abby Jane, our peanut is growing so fast and is looking bigger and bigger each week. According to her nine month check up she is growing and is developmentally perfect and on target. She is growing at her own little rate and if she keeps this ratio up between weight and height she will be our little model.
Weight: 14 lbs. 1.6oz 2%
Height: 27 3/4 in. 56%
Abby is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything. She is fearless and is out to explore everything. She is always eager to play with her big sister and has a blast doing it. Maddy isn't always so welcoming to her while she is playing with her toys, but Abby dives right in anyways.
Abby is eating just about anything these days. I gave up on the whole check it off the list thing about a month ago. Now the question is Is it real food? Is it small enough? Okay, Abby can have it. She LOVES her puffs and can finish a container in a day if we let her. She usually eats apples and oatmeal for breakfast and a meat and veggie for dinner. No sweets yet, because we all know that sucks their own sweetness right out of them.
She is so pretty!