

Monday, September 22, 2014

Mondays with Mommy :: 2nd Edition

I know this is way late! Okay now an entire week LATE! It's been a busy week for mommy, but Monday (now last Monday) was still a day for Maddy!

The day began early, but there was no time for a special breakfast or a lot of laying around.  We had to get ready and out the door at 8:30.  We were headed to The Little Gym of Sugarland for a Houston Moms Blog play date. (Keep reading to hear more about HMB below.)  We invited our little friend and neighbor Riley.  Maddy LOVES Riley and talks about her A LOT!  She was super pumped to get to sit next to Riley in the car for our trip out to Sugarland.  (If you're not familiar with Houston, Sugarland is about an hour away from us.)  On our way out we had to stop for a doughnut, since technically Maddy woke up with the sun in her own bed.
The Little Gym
We arrived to The Little Gym shortly before 10.  The girls were immediately greeted by friendly staff and taken to the back party room.  Before I could even make my way back there (after signing a release form of course) the girls were already set up at the table working on a craft. Chick-Fil-A was there with a table of their yummies! Maddy and Riley had fun making a cute apple craft with one of the sweet staff and then enjoyed some Chick-Fil-A.  They were completely entertained before it was even their turn to go into the gym for the real fun.  Then for an entire hour they had gym time.  The girls had a blast doing all of the skills and playing on the equipment. Some of the time was structured and some of it was just time for them to run around a play or practice what was modeled.  They both absolutely loved it all!

After the morning play date we made our way back home.  Maddy invited Riley to come in and play.  (Maddy has a hard time ending the "party.")  The girls played, watch Disney junior, and ate a little lunch.  Then we were out the door again to make it to week 2 of dance.  Maddy is really starting to get into it.  She looked like she was having so much fun, despite the fact that her moves looked a little different then the others or the teacher's.  Her teacher is excellent though!  She gives the girls the individual attention they need. She worked with Maddy when she showed difficulties.  Maddy also got to partner up with her buddy Braelyn to practice one of the moves. They are so cute and I am really excited to see them both grow this year in dance.
This is not a great picture, but you can see Maddy & Brae!

Well, now that I'm finishing this up on the following Monday I guess I ought to get started on our day so edition 3 has some meat!

BIG FAN of Houston Moms Blog
Aka... HMB.  My dear friend Kelly is the founder and owner of Houston Moms Blog. If you look at anything I do on Facebook you probably already know I'm a big fan.  If you've birthed, adopted, care for or having anything to do with children you should check it out.  Reasons why:
1.  Excellent resource for moms. 2. Builds community. 3. Events. 4. GIVEAWAYS all the TIME.
Like them on Facebook so you can be update with the latest and greatest they have to offer.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mondays with Mommy - 1st edition

This year Maddy is going to preschool (Blessed Beginnings) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays.  That leaves Mondays open for an entire day with Maddy.  This is a great day to put aside any projects, major house work, and tedious errands I have to do for another day.  My goal is to use Mondays to take Maddy on special trips, do projects with her at home, and/or just play with her.  Mondays are for Maddy!  

Sunday evening I thought I had our Monday planned out, for the most part.  We were going to go to Little Beakers (a kids' science lab) with our friends, eat lunch at home, and then our first dance class in the afternoon.  This is really what happened...

Quick Shopping Trip
On our way to Little Beakers we got the call that they were not open.  We rerouted our trip to the park.  We stopped for a quick swing and then decided there were too many mosquitoes.  Our friends were going grocery shopping. Well, once Maddy hears that she is all in.  Maddy LOVES her HEB and really any grocery store for that matter.  We decided to join our friends at the store for a quick trip to pick up a few things I had forgotten on my trip.  We went to Kroger, where they have little carts for kids.  Good thing its something new and novel for Maddy, because her HEB doesn't have these. Maddy insisted on putting everything we got in her cart!

In the Kitchen
Maddy really enjoys helping in the kitchen, especially if it includes pouring and tasting. I have really been wanting to make her healthy snacks that are appealing to her.  The problem is if I don't plan it I'm usually missing an ingredient or I just make the excuse that I don't have time.  Really, it doesn't take that much more time.  Changing the way you eat is a life style change and just about creating new habits.  I have been following Super Healthy Kids on Facebook and noticed these easy Flourless Chocolate Chip Almond Butter muffins.  They are from Running with Spoons.  They were easy to make, easy to eat, easy to clean up, and easy to take on the go. Great healthy snack for kiddos or adults. 

First DANCE class
Eeekk! It has begun!  Maddy started her first ballet and tap class.  She will take dance every Monday afternoon.  A perfect addition to Maddy's Mondays.  Though, it has been my dream for my little girls to take dance, Maddy has been requesting it most of the summer. Her girlie side is slowly coming out.  My favorite part, as of now, is getting to put her hair up.  If you know Maddy she only likes to wear it two ways... down in her face or a little bitty pony right now top.  I'm so excited I get to put it up in a pony tail or bun.  OH MY!!! Isn't she so stickin CUTE! in her leotard and tights.  I'll have to get a picture next week of her participating in class. 

This will be an excellent way to document Maddy's toddler days with me... since she has now exceeded the baby book age limit. I look forwarded to coming back next week for a second edition of Mondays with Mommy!