

Saturday, January 22, 2011

So, When are you due?

Big question of the day ... So, When are you due?  Answer would be TODAY! 
January 22, 2011 -due date for Madelyn Paige, 40 weeks pregnant!  
Well, she is obviously not concerned with being punctual nor does she feel like coming out today. It feels like she doesn't really feel like coming any time soon... I guess we'll just have to wait and see. 

No, I'm in no hurry, well yes I am... at this point you start to feel a lil anxious.  All of the major things are taken care of: necessities of the room -check, car seat in car -check, pack n play assembled and ready to go -check, bag for baby packed -check, bag for mom and dad packed -check! 
Yes, I'm sure there are a few other things I could do around my house, but the major things are completed. I also called yesterday at work my last day!  Sounds nice, but what the heck am I going to do home alone on Monday while Brandon is at work?  Pace around my house and find things to do... possibly venture out to find cute baby stores and spend money... walk and walk to help her along! I'm not one to sit in my PJs all day watching TV, movies, or reading. So, I am ready for her to come!  Brandon, too! He started driving his car into work, so that he is able to make a quick get away if I begin to go into labor. 

Are you feeling contractions?  No
Are you dilated?  No
Are you going to be induced?  Not at this point!
Are you uncomfortable?  Some days... she feels like she is about to fall out she is so low. The only comfortable sitting position is sitting back.

I see the doctor on Tuesday and get an ultrasound, so I guess I will have more answers then... unless she decides to come before then.
Last Sunday at mass... I sat there and thought... oh I might not be here next week, I might be in the hospital with her or just getting home.  Not looking likely... well maybe I can think that tomorrow morning and it really will work out.  Little nervous about this week if she doesn't come... I think I may get a little anxious, board, and lonely! 
(completely up for making dates)

I'll leave a pic of her room... 
The wall her bed is on!

Hopefully next time I am here... it is introducing her!

Monday, January 3, 2011

37 Weeks -When will she be here?

37 Weeks Pregnant
That's Full Term -official due date January 22
January 1, 2011 -37 weeks
Well, I am 37 weeks and very anxious!  Every single little pain, uncomfortable feeling, or movement that I feel gets me thinking, wondering, and asking questions.  I will see the doctor tomorrow, to see if I've progressed at all or if some of this is just in my head.  I've also found that my hormones are completely out of wack... I cried several times New Years day and I have no idea why.

I'm ready for her to come, but I'd also like a little more time.  There are still things on my to-do list to accomplish before Madelyn arrives.  I know I have no control over this, so that heightens my anxiety a little more. I deep down know that God has a plan for my labor and Maddy's delivery.  I just have to trust him. 

Brandon is also anxious for his baby girl to arrive, but his main focus lately has been me.  I could not do any of this without him!  He has been so patient and attentive. He does anything I ask him to, even if it seems silly.  A lot of the preparing requires putting things away, putting things together, hanging things, etc., which I need him for.  I have a plan to do something, but then quickly realize I need his help.  Through out my entire pregnancy he has taken on many chores.  I can't wait to see him be a daddy to Madelyn!  Babe, I love you!

Christmas Break: Part 2

Brandon and I did lots of nesting and checking things off the to-do list our second week off together!  We had appointments to attend and did many things around the house.  
Madelyn's Room
We did a few things in Maddy's room. Brandon went to the Container Store with me, so I could get things to organize her drawers. We hung up her name Jen made for me with her sister-in-law. I painted an M to hang on her door.  I washed some of her clothes, blankets, bibs and socks.  I'm sure we accomplished other things in there, too, I just don't remember it all.  There is still more to be done, so hopefully she doesn't join us before this weekend.  I will update again after my mom comes to work in her room this weekend. 
Her name and her M
Our House
Outside of Madelyn's room we also did some other things around the house.  We finally hung curtains in our living room that we've had for over four months now.  With his mom's help, Brandon got our curtains hung!  

Brandon was able to come with me to my doctor's appointment.  I got a few questions out of the way to help settle some anxiety.  We also interviewed a pediatrician, who we really liked.