

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Yesterday was Brandon's first Father's Day!  We began our day like every other Sunday morning by getting ready for mass. Maddy and daddy also had some time to play.  Maddy and I gave Brandon his gift before we left for church.  We got him a Weber grill.  We already have a gas grill, but Brandon had mentioned before how he wanted a charcoal grill. So, I did my research and tried to find a good deal. He was very excited and surprised about his new grill. 
We meet by parents at mass as we do most Sundays.  Maddy was a good girl as always. We surprised the dads for lunch by going to Trio's Steakhouse.  They have great food and a nice relaxing atmosphere. My dad and Brandon were excited about me and my mom's choice. (Well, as excited as men can get.) Maddy got lots of attention from the pretty girls who worked there.  She also got some special attention from a nice old Irish lady, who was very fond of her red hair and green dress! Brandon, my mom, and I got my dad a skydiving trip.  Brandon has a voucher to go and has been talking my dad into going with him.  Well, now I guess he has no choice! 
The first Father's Day was a little exciting, even though I'm not the father.  I think it will be more fun as Maddy gets older and can really make things for her daddy.  She is already showing signs of being a "Daddy's Girl"  and if she is anything like her mother she will be. Here are some pics from lunch and of our little very unprofessional photo shoot at Vintage Park...

Playing with Pops at Trio

Being a Pops' Girl

Still being a Pop's Girl!

Probably laughing at Daddy!

Maddy and Daddy
Maddy and Pops

Family Father's Day Picture

Maddy with her Pops and Daddy

Daddys and Daughters
Ready for some peas... Yuuummm!

1 comment:

  1. This Blog just made my heart smile a lot! Love you all! And happy first fathers day of many to brandon!
