

Monday, June 27, 2011

Maddy is Five Months

Well, its true! I have a five month old baby girl.  I just can't believe that she is already five months old... you know that is only one month away from being a half of a year old!  This is crazy stuff!  Anyways... with every month I just think she gets cuter and cuter and I just love her that much more!  When will this stop?  I know it won't go on forever, but I will enjoy it while it last.  
I've been lucky to have had the chance to spend so much time with Maddy girl as she has made her journey to being five months. (I LOVE SUMMER! I like my job, but I like staying home with my baby girl more.  Conflicts b/w my heart and the pocket book on a later date... maybe.)
We have been very busy this summer.  We have gone swimming, played with friends, and have gone to the Library for Baby Bounce.  Maddy has also helped mommy work on her summer to do list as well. 

New Tricks
  • Inching - I guess I can't call it scooting yet, but she is moving from one side of her play mat to the other some how.  
  • Playing with toys - Maddy picks up toys now with one hand and switches them between both of her hands.
  • Laughing loud - this has been caught a few times, she just cracks up when we are silly for her.
DRUM ROLL PLEASE...  our best trick yet... 
  • Eating Food! 

After Maddy turned four months and once the summer began we started feeding her solids (well more like solids we make into mush.) We have been making her own baby food... well I have been making baby food.  We received a very nice baby gift, a Beaba Babycook.  Once researching this baby cooker, I decided that we must make her own baby food.  I did my research and came up with our very own plan and schedule for introducing foods to her.  We started with rice cereal like the doctor says, but I quickly became board with it and I think Maddy did too.  After two days we were on to bigger and better things.  Avocado  was her first food. Since then she has eaten green beans, peas, squash, carrots and as of today sweet potatoes.  So far she loves it all!  I enjoy making her food for her.  It is super easy and fun! After we try everything then I will get to be creative with mixing things.    

At the end of the week we are off to Missouri, to the Lake of the Ozarks! I'm sure there will be lots of exciting pictures and stories about our experiences once we return.  

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