

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

A little late, but I can't start summer blogging until I post about Memorial Day weekend.  Here is our weekend in pictures...

The Lake
This was Maddy's first overnight trip and first trip to her Nana's lake house on Lake Livingston.  Maddy did great and had lots of fun!  This was just a little practice for our big lake trip to the Ozarks!

First time in the Lake
Chillin in her float
Done with the lake -airing out

Playing with Uncle Ryan's dog Buddy
So tired from her big adventures

Enjoying the breeze on the deck

Family Picture

Time to Meet Brynlee 
My friend Corie and her family came to Houston so Brynlee could get baptized in their family church.  We first went to Brynlee's baptism party and then meet for lunch the next day.  Corie and I were very excited to finally meet each others baby girls.  This was also the first time the best friend trio could have their baby girls together!
Tell Brynlee bye bye

Maddy and Brynlee smiled at each other.

Out to lunch with the Baldrees and the Davis'

BFFs and their Baby Girls

Twin Outfits
Havin a Chat
Maddy is telling her to come back soon and to stay longer!   

Maddy's bed at 
Loli and Pop's House
Maddy got to check out her bed that is in her my room at my parents house.  This will now be Maddy's room there equipped with her very own bed.

 We had a great weekend and a great kick off to our Summer!

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